Tree Recursion

Tree Recursion

 • If a recursive function calling itself more than one time then it is tree recursion

syntax : 

fun(n) { 
if( n > 0 ) {
 fun(n -1);


class Test{
   public static void fun(int x){
public static void main(String[] args){

Output-: 3 2 1 1 2 1 1

total number of functions call

fun(3) call 1time
fun(2) call 2 time
fun(1) call 4 time
fun(0) call 8 time

sum of calls-:
20+21+22+23=23+1-1        formula of GP series is 20+21+22+23........+2n=2n+1-1
Time complexity is O(2n)
Space complexity is O(n)

On Time Efficiency

Tree recursive procedures typically take exponential time to compute. Why would we ever use them?

  • Some problems are more easily solved by thinking tree recursively. Try writing count-change using for loops in another language.
  • Some issues are intractably hard, meaning the fastest known algorithms we have for them are still exponential in runtime.
  • Turns out, we can optimize tree recursive procedures without changing their shape, which we will cover later in the course.