It is encapsulation mechanism to group related classes and interfaces into a single unit, which is nothing but a package.
1-:All classes and interfaces which is required for database operations are grouped into a single package which is nothing but a java.sql package.
2-:all classes and interfaces which are used fully for file io operations are grouped into a separate package which is nothing but the package.
1-:All classes and interfaces which is required for database operations are grouped into a single package which is nothing but a java.sql package.
2-:all classes and interfaces which are used fully for file io operations are grouped into a separate package which is nothing but the package.
The main advantages of the package are-:
- To resolve name conflict that is a unique identification of our component
- it improved the modularity of the application
- it improves the maintainability of the application.
- it provides security for our components.
com.icicibank-: client's internet domain name in reverse.
loan-:module name.
housing-:sub module name.
Account-: class name.
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
Generated .class file will be placed in the current working directory.
javac -d .
-d -: destination to place generated .class file
(.)-: CWD(current working directory)
- if the corresponding package structure is not already available then this command itself will create the corresponding package structure.
- as destination instead of dot we can take any valid directory name example javac -d F:
- if the specify the directory not already available the we will get compile time error .
eg-: javac -d Z:
- if z : not available then we will get compile time error saying directory not found Z:
- at the time of execution we have to use fully qualified name
- In any java source file there can be almost one package statement that is more than one package statement not allow otherwise we will get compile time error.
package pack1;
package pack2;
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
compile time error saying -:class, interface or enum expected.
- in any java program the first non-comment should package statement (if it is available) otherwise we will get compile time error.
import java.util.*
package pack2;
public class Test{
compile time error saying -:class, interface or enum expected.
the following is valid java source file structure .
- package statement
- import statement
- class name or interface or enum declaration
note-:an empty source file is a valid java program hence the following are valid java source files.